The purpose of this program is for the user to enter a correct key to solve the puzzle. In the cyber world this type of program is called a ‘Crack Me’. It is intended for users to practice reverse engineering or cracking software.
input results in the following text:
Original: Yavas ol, once dusun sonra hareket et !!!
Translation: Be slow, think once and then move on !!!
input results in the following text:
Original: Yavas ol, once dusun sonra hareket et !!!
Translation: Be slow, think once and then move on !!!
input results in:
Original: Tebrikler, dogru kodu girdiniz yolunuz acik olsun …
Translation: Congratulations, you have entered the correct code …
input results in:
Original: Tebrikler, dogru kodu girdiniz yolunuz acik olsun …
Translation: Congratulations, you have entered the correct code …
the puzzle requires the following key:
Key: Fl4g_HSVI_1126
the puzzle requires the following key:
Key: Fl4g_HSVI_1126
Due to the benign nature of this file, detection is unnecessary. However, if your organization classifies this type of activity under ‘potentially unwanted programs’, the following YARA signature will detect it:rule GecisKodu{
$str1 = {54 65 62 72 69 6B 6C 65 72 2C 20 64 6F 67 72 75 20 6B 6F 64 75 20 67 69 72 64 69 6E 69 7A 20 79 6F 6C 75 6E 75 7A 20 61 63 69 6B 20 6F 6C 73 75 6E 20 2E 2E 2E}
all of them